Q-Some Big Band feat. Daniel Migliosi

Q-Some Big Band feat. Daniel Migliosi

About Q-Some Big Band
Q-Some Big Band is a place for development and encounter where the newest generation of (jazz) composers and musicians meet and challenge each other. It is a platform to explore the possibilities within the genre and to let a new, contemporary wind blow through the big band landscape. With their constantly innovative programmes and unexpected musical collaborations, this orchestra crosses boundaries, in which the passion for the profession, the warmth within the band and, above all, the bigger dreams are clearly audible.

Q-Some Big Band about the Concert @ Schungfabrik
Concert feat. Luxembourg trumpet player Daniel Migliosi.
Daniel Migliosi is a promising and incredibly talented trumpet player from Luxembourg. We not only perform together at the Schungfabrik in Luxembourg, but are also happy to engage in a broader collaboration. Especially for this concert we are making arrangements of Daniel’s music, but he also augments music from our own repertoire with his unique talent.
A musical highlight we are sure you don’t want to miss.


27 Avr 2024






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